Vol 7 Issue 2 April 2019-June 2019
Dr. G. P. Ramesh, Ranjudha, Ajay Krishnan S M, Manoj Kumar M, Gangaraju Kumar, Bharath N
Abstract: Energy meter or watt-hour meter or is an electrical instrument that measures the amount of electrical energy used by the consumers. Utilities is one of the electrical departments, which install these instruments at every place like homes, industries, organizations, commercial buildings to charge for the electricity consumption by loads such as lights, fans, refrigerator and other home appliances. In our system we allow the electricity department to read the meter readings monthly without a person visiting each house. It utilizes the features of embedded systems and IoT (Internet of Things) to implement the desired functionality. We have also interfaced power tripping system which will trip the power in case of over voltage or fire detection and also when there are dues in the electricity bills. We also monitor the usage online every day and using analytics we compare the usage and take necessary steps to overcome heavy usage of electricity and to implement the bill payment method. Thus, we provide both client as well as customer side benefits as a solution to the electricity department. This project is suitable for all the types of energy meters, digital or analog and also provides flexible conversion between Post-paid and Pre-paid. It is also inbuilt with temperature sensors to notify the fire accidents to the relevant departments and to shut down the power automatically in such cases.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Electricity Meter Reading, Power Supply Management, Electricity Bill Generation.
Author: Dr. G. P. Ramesh, Ranjudha, Ajay Krishnan S M, Manoj Kumar M, Gangaraju Kumar, Bharath N
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals