Abstract: With the methodology as we developed it and which is actually a continuation of the ancient Greek philosophers, we set principles and a new atomic physics is being built.
The hydrogen atom consists of two particles of equal mass and charge bubbles of dilute ether, orbiting each other. Electric currents of parallel conductors with opposite charges are created and the wandering particles are attracted. In fact, attraction is magnetic and electric charge is magnetic quantity. The magnetic, electrical and gravitational forces are integrated.
With solid mathematics, it turns out that the rotation of magnetic quantities is inverse to the cube of their radius.
Hydrogen atoms emit their spectrum excitedly and have a small mass, and there are thousands of them, forming a grain of hydrogen atoms. And its mass is what physics determined and accepted for the proton.
The e/m ratio Thompson found experimentally is confirmed by the ratio of charge we found for the hydrogen atom to the mass of a grain of hydrogen. Thompson in his device emitted ionized hydrogen grains with a charge of one hydrogen atom.
The ion-grain charge in mass spectrographs is what Millikan found in his experiment and is much less than the charge of the hydrogen atom, or ionized grain in the Thompson experiment.
Keywords: new atomic physics, hydrogen atom, Electric currents, electric charge, magnetic quantity, Thompson experiment.
International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Vol. 12, Issue 1, April 2024 - September 2024
Page No: 1-10
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 01-April-2024