Vol 3 Issue 3 July 2015-September 2015
Anusha Punia, Krishna Duhan
Abstract: Gender is an integral dimension of social stratification in society varying in degree and quantum across time and space. Gender roles are socially constructed and they demarcate responsibilities between men and women in social and economic activities, access to and control over resources and decision making authority. A list of students was prepared from the respective class and from the list a sample of 40 males and 40 females respondents from class-Xth and class-XIth were randomly selected to study access, control and usage pattern of mass media- newspaper, magazine and mobile by gender.Cent per cent male and female respondents possessed newspaper, mobile and very few respondents possessed magazine and Only 7.5 per cent respondents (male 12.5% and female 2.5% respondents) take self decision to buy newspaper. Total 67.5 per cent respondents (male 80.0% and females 55.0% respondents) were having mobile phones. Results reveal that 60.0 per cent of male respondents read newspaper to get information related to educational career, sports (22.5%), political news (17.5%). Regarding female respondents it was found that educational career (60.0%), sports (27.5%), movies (7.5%), and political news (5.0%) were the main reasons to read news paper. With regard to decision taken by respondents to buy magazines highlighted that the decision was in hands of their mothers (85.0%), younger siblings (10.0%), elder siblings (2.5%), self (2.5%) while in case of females 52.5 per cent were those who exercised self control followed by mother (40.0%), younger siblings (7.5%). A good per cent of males (75.0%) and females (67.5%) never read magazine whenever interested while 25.0 per cent of males and 32.5 per cent of females read magazine whenever interested.
Keywords: Gender, possession.
Title: Gender Analysis: Access and Control of Newspaper, Magazine and Mobile
Author: Anusha Punia, Krishna Duhan
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals