Vol 9 Issue 1 January 2021-March 2021
Mayank Srivastava
Abstract: A disease afflicting humanity for thousands of years, with no clue to its origin, a disease to die from and for!
From eternity we humans have learnt to blame others for our sufferings, if we can’t find a human cause for the problem then we blame God for its existence. But, why to blame others for the effects of your own cause. No disease can enter your life, unless you have weakened your immune system by following an unhealthy lifestyle.
We are not immune to this natural world; we have to fight for our survival every day. Every breath needs energy, and that energy comes from somewhere. You have to eat to survive. But, with every bite comes the risk of pathogens. How many bites, how many breaths a day? Neither does the world sleeps when you sleep, nor does the nature awakens with your morning.
Like how a car (or any machine) requires energy in the form of fuel, similarly our body requires food for our survival, but with the consumption comes a very important need for exhaust (excretion). Like how a car will stop eventually if not serviced, similarly our body can only endure so much, before it ceases to function. How we maintain our (vehicle) body, entirely depends on us. It’s as much the responsibility of God towards your good health, similar to the responsibility of your pet dog towards you. (None).
But all is not doom and gloom. God forgives the mistakes if genuinely repented. That’s why God has given our body a very unique ability (not found in cars), we can regenerate new cells to replace old and diseased cells. This ability of replenishing of our old cells is inbuilt and we are born with it, and very importantly it never diminishes.
My paper here is not based on any research in any lab or a university, this my story, my bibliography.
Author: Mayank Srivastava
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals