Vol 10 Issue 1 January 2022-March 2022
Villacarlos, Georgette S., Mendez, Bernie Miguel U., Pegenia, Angelica T., Mr. Deogracias E. Esplanada
Abstract: The broad usage of social media as a platform for advertisement of businesses in the tourism industry became a pathway for tourist spot owners to accommodate the sites and use it as an advantage to promote and attract tourists and travelers to their businesses. This study will also show the objective that wants to contribute to the knowledge of assessing the factors of central and peripheral route that influence the customers to be persuaded to visit a tourism establishment through the help of the image content on the Facebook page. Thus, the researchers chose the theory of "Elaboration Likelihood Method" since this explains and tackles how a persuasive message can change the attitude of the reader or a viewer. In which it is very important for businesses, corporations, or advertising agencies because it can help in designing their promotional strategies. This study was processed using the quantitative method and used a descriptive research design. It is concluded that choosing this method can describe mostly the perception of the likers of Saluysoy Nature Resort Facebook page regarding the effectiveness of being persuaded on the said resort using the image content posted on a Facebook page, using the pictures as a tool in choosing a tourism establishment. The result shows that most of the resort’s guests who are likers of the FB page consist of 51.7 % residents of Cavite and have a close percentage to the 48.3% non-residents of Cavite. The findings of the study also showed that all the factors received a high level of assessment; argument quality (central route) and image appeal, social presence, and connectedness (peripheral route). But among all, connectedness is perceived to be the most important factor and has the highest relation to the respondents in terms of being persuaded to visit the said resort since they feel connected and attracted to visit whenever they spot an image that contains the customers views. Furthermore, the study analysis helped the proponents to make a promotional plan to help Saluysoy Nature Resort FB page.
Keywords: Facebook page, Tourism Establishment, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Central route, Peripheral route, Image content.
Author: Villacarlos, Georgette S., Mendez, Bernie Miguel U., Pegenia, Angelica T., Mr. Deogracias E. Esplanada
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals