Vol 4 Issue 2 April 2016-June 2016
Venuste Biziyaremye, Dr. Tobias Olweny, Dr. Mbabazi Mbabazize
Abstract: The research aimed at examining the effects of Social Security pension Scheme on welfare of Rwandans because Pension schemes in most African nations; suffer from a series of significant weaknesses reflecting deficiencies in their design, financing and administration hence poor social welfare of the pensioners. The researcher intend to achieve this by use of three specific objectives namely; To analyze the effect of old age pension scheme on social welfare of members in Ngoma district; To examine the effect old age lump sum pension scheme on social welfare of members in Ngoma district and to assess the effect of survivors pension on social welfare of members in Ngoma district. The researcher used descriptive method of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach in order to get better analysis of the study. The population size is 645 and sample of 215 respondents was taken. Both primary and secondary sources with their relevant tools like questionnaire and documentary analysis in order to come up with required data. The data was processed by use of SPSS version 22 and analyzed by use of frequency/percentages and relationship was established by use of Pearson correlation model. In the finding it was established that Rwanda Social Security Board has Social Security Pension Scheme like Old Age Lump Sum Pension Scheme, Old Age Pension Scheme and survivor’s benefit which is provided to beneficiaries, at the right amount, and right time. In the finding it was established that the Social Security Pension Scheme has promoted the welfare of beneficiaries inform of educational standards of beneficiary’s family, nutritional status of beneficiaries family, accommodation status of beneficiaries families, dressing for of beneficiaries’ family and transport means beneficiaries. In summary it was established that there is a relationship between Social Security Pension Scheme and Social Welfare of Members in Ngoma district, out of 215 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that independent variable has Positive strong correlation to dependent variable equal to .927** and the p-value is .000 which is less than 0.01. When p-value is less than significant level, therefore researchers conclude that variables are correlated. This means that there is a significant relationship between Social Security Pension Scheme and Social Welfare of Members.
Keywords: Social Welfare of Rwandans, Case Study: Rwanda Social Security Board.
Title: Effect of Social Security Pension Scheme on Social Welfare of Rwandans, Case Study: Rwanda Social Security Board,
Author: Venuste Biziyaremye, Dr. Tobias Olweny, Dr. Mbabazi Mbabazize
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals
Vol 4 Issue 2 April 2016-June 2016
Augustin Kanyarwanda, Dr. Tobias Olweny, Dr. Mbera R. Zénon
Abstract: This study seeks to assess the measures undertaken by MFI in Rwanda to increase their outreach in order to address such challenges of financial inclusivity in Rwanda. The study has objectives to assess the specific innovative approaches applied by MFIs for expanding the financial outreach, to establish the role of innovative micro-financing approaches on their MFI service delivery to the clients and determining the relationship between innovative financial approaches used in MFI and increased outreach. The study was carried out in Letshego, Muhanga branch whereby 100 respondents who consists of both clients and employees by using primary methods of data collection. Data from respondents were presented using descriptive statistics. The study found that that mobile phone applications are one of the main products used to reach out to more clients in MFI. Although MFI have tried to innovate ways of reaching out to clients, majority of the clients still have reservation for adopting the new changes. This was observed when the respondents were asked to state the maximum amount they can deposit using mobile banking and 62.8% stated that they are willing to part with any amount not more than 50,000 Rwandan francs. The study found that product innovation in MFI is very important in ensuring that they reach out to as many as possible clients. This is evident by the response rated at 36.4% of the respondents who supported it arguing that MFI should be in a position to introduce a new good or service to the market. Another important aspect is process innovation whereby a new production process or methodology should be effective and efficient. This was supported by 36.4% of the respondents who stated that process development is equally important as the product development. The study indicates that in average there are similarities between the outcome of the employees who believe that innovative ways of reaching out to customers are effective and efficient, withdrawal and deposit in Letshego Microfinance due to its innovative products as indicated, easy ways to check balance in their accounts, easier ways of opening an account, quick access to MFI services, error free records innovative services, 24 hours online services, security of innovative products and time saving. The study recommends that there is a need to put much attention into the technological innovation, infrastructure building, institutional development, and human capital formation which directly increase the productivity and human resources. There is also a need to ensure an appropriate regulatory and prudential framework for the market of Microfinance including capital adequacy ratios, asset quality indicators and unsecured loan limits. It is important to provide a specialized credit bureau for Microfinance that can help financial institutions to have necessary information on clients in order to minimize risks.
Keywords: Microfinance Approaches, Financial Outreach, Innovative services, financial institutions and product development.
Title: Effect of Innovative Microfinancing Approaches On Financial Outreach, Case Study: Letshego Rwanda Ltd,
Author: Augustin Kanyarwanda, Dr. Tobias Olweny, Dr. Mbera R. Zénon
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research publish journals
Vol 4 Issue 2 April 2016-June 2016
Nsabimana Innocent, Joseph Kyalo Mung’atu
Abstract: This work contains a review of GARCH models families, where BEKK-MGARCH model is presented and applied to 4 years data of Rwanda exchange market. 1632 daily observations average of buying and selling Rwanda exchange rate in the period from Friday 12/03/2010 to Saturday 26/07/2014, to model the time varying variance-covariance in USD/Rwf, and Ksh/Rwf exchange rate series in Rwanda exchange market. Time varying variance-covariance have been constructed with the models (BEKK-GARCH) significant at lag 4 using AIC, BIC criteria and QMLE method have been used to estimate parameters. R, Eviews and RATS software have been used for data analysis. Results shows that exchange rate market responds more to shocks arriving from other exchange rate markets (usd/rwf to Ksh/Rwf and vis versa) than it does to its own shocks (usd/rwf), it confirm our hypothesis of existential of cross-market spillover effects in the studied areas. We have worked with two series (USD/RWF and KSH/RWF), while Rwanda Exchange market have also many other major currencies, we propose to future researchers to incorporate many others majors currencies like EURO/RWF, USH/RWF, as they may have an important impact on time varying variance covariance model.
Keywords: Exchange rate, BEKK-GARCH model, Volatilities, Forecasting.
Title: Modeling Time-Varying Variance-Covariance for Exchange Rate Using Multivariate GARCH Model “Case Study of Bivariate BEKK-GARCH Model of Us Dollars and Kenyan Shillings Vis a Vis Rwandan Francs”
Author: Nsabimana Innocent, Joseph Kyalo Mung’atu
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals
Vol 4 Issue 2 April 2016-June 2016
Oluwatosin Sorunke, Ameen Nasir
Abstract: This research seeks to determine how capabilities can be reengineered in an organisation by fitting the right skills to the right job so as to achieve dramatic improvement in business performance. Taking IBM as a case study, the Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) concept was examined and the critical success factors (CSFs) to its successful implementation were elicited. An inductive approach and research philosophy of ‘functional paradigm’ was applied by analysing the findings of the pre and post BPR issues in IBM and creating a link between the theory and practice of BPR with recommendations for future implementations. A model was created outlining the wider perspectives of BPR concept and the principles underpinning it and narrowing it down to the objective of this research using the funnelling approach of literature review. The findings of the literature review was used to develop a new model. Finally it was concluded that, BPR does not only reengineer processes but functions or core competencies. The CSFs of implementing the initiative are egalitarian leadership, collaborative working environment, top management commitment, change in management technology, appropriate BPR planning and methodology and use of information technology system. However for successful implementation, BPR must influence the content of the business strategy while the business strategy must support the BPR initiative. This is in addition to the fact that a BPR initiative should be driven by customer perception for optimal results.
Keywords: Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Critical Success Factors (CSFs), International Business Machine (IBM), Business Strategy, Information Technology, Business Processes, Change management, drivers, Inductive approach and Functional Paradigm.
Title: Critical Success Factors of Business Process Reengineering, Case Study: IBM
Author: Oluwatosin Sorunke, Ameen Nasir
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals