3-D (Dimensional) security in Cloud Computing

Ms. Gayatri Dhavale, Mr. Rajnish Kumar Baranwal, Mr. Kapil Nagare, Mrs. S.N. zaware

Abstract: Cloud computing is emerging field because of its performance, high availability, least cost and many others. Besides this companies are binding there business from cloud computing because the fear of data leakage. Due lack of proper security control policy and weakness in safeguard which lead to many vulnerability in cloud computing. This paper has been written to focus on the problem of data leakage and proposes a framework works in two phases. First phase which is known as Data classification is done by client before storing the data. During this phase the data is to be categorized on the basis of CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability). The client who wants to send the data for storage needs to give the value of C (confidentiality), I (integrity), A (Availability). The value of C is based on level of secrecy at each junction of data processing and prevents unauthorized disclosure, value of I based on how much assurance of accuracy is provided, reliability of information and unauthorized modification is required, and value of A is based on how frequently it is accessible. With the help of proposed formula, the priority rating is calculated. Accordingly data having the higher rating is considered to be critical and 3D security is recommended on that data. After completion of first phase the data which is received by cloud provider for storage, uses 3Dimentional technique for accessibility. The sensitive proved data will send for storage to cloud provider. According to the concept of 3D user who wants to access the data need to be authenticated, to avoid impersonation and data leakage. Now there is third entity who is either company’s (whose data is stored) employee or customer who want to access, they need to register first and then before every access to data, his/her identity is authenticated for authorization.

Keywords: Cloud security, Data protection, Cost Reduction, Data Storage, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.

Title: 3-D (Dimensional) security in Cloud Computing

Author: Ms. Gayatri Dhavale, Mr. Rajnish Kumar Baranwal, Mr. Kapil Nagare, Mrs. S.N. zaware

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-120X (online), ISSN 2348-1196 (print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, April - June 2014

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3-D (Dimensional) security in Cloud Computing by Ms. Gayatri Dhavale, Mr. Rajnish Kumar Baranwal, Mr. Kapil Nagare, Mrs. S.N. zaware