Abstract: This study aims at analyzing Kirundi surnames. It attempts an investigation of their meanings, origins, and role in the Burundi linguistic landscape. This study further focuses on the relationship between Kirundi surnames and the socio-cultural environment of Burundians. From a comparative perspective, the study also draws sample surnames from the Befit language in Cameroon as well as surnames from other parts of the world. The problem that was observed came from the fact Kirundi surnames, unlike those of other societies; do not identify the name bearers with their families. This issue motivated an enquiry to find out the essence of Kirundi surnames if they do not serve for family identification. The data used for this study were obtained from English major students of the University of Burundi. The simple random sampling technique was used for the data collected through the questionnaire whereas the convenience sampling technique was used for those obtained through the interview and focus group discussion. The data from the questionnaire were displayed in tables in terms of frequencies and percentages and analyzed quantitatively while those from the interview and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively. The study revealed the following: 1) Kirundi surnames reflect the Burundians’ relationship with their socio-cultural environment; 2) Kirundi surnames portray the conditions under which the name bearers’ families live with their neighbors; and 3) Kirundi surnames illustrate the Burundians’ belief in God. From a close examination of the results of the study, it is noticed that the majority of the Kirundi names that were given during the traditional period depict the Burundians’ close attachment to their culture whereas the majority of those that were given after the arrival of Christianity showed deep religious coloring. In the light of this investigation, it is recommended that parents should give to their children names with positive meanings.
Keywords: Case of English Major, comparative perspective, language in Cameroon.
Tile: A Context-Based Approach to the Study of Names: Case of English Major Students of the University Of Burundi
Author: Julius Ayancho
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals