A Dynamic Load Balance Model for Partitioned Public Cloud

Sowmya Shree P, Mr. M Jayashankar

Abstract: Cloud computing is a major paradigm in the technology world. Load balancing has the major impact on the performance of the cloud. Thus, an effective load balancing plays an important role in the different aspects of the cloud. Even though there are several load balancing techniques available, the article provides a different way of load balancing based on the technique of partitioning of cloud based on geographical locations and a switch mechanism is used to select the partitions. The technique uses Hungarian method of assignment problem to improve the efficiency of the load balancing technique in the public cloud environment.

Keywords: Load balancing; Public cloud; Cloud partition; Hungarian method; Assignment problem.

Title: A Dynamic Load Balance Model for Partitioned Public Cloud

Author: Sowmya Shree P, Mr. M Jayashankar

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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A Dynamic Load Balance Model for Partitioned Public Cloud by Sowmya Shree P, Mr. M Jayashankar