A New Money Exchange System: The World Calorie Currency (WCC)

Xinyi Jimmy Zhou

Abstract: The current ruble crisis causes much trouble for many of those eastern European countries like Russia and its neighbour countries: Strong ruble depreciation and high inflation for consumer goods are its most negative consequences. Because the ruble is only a national currency, but not a world currency, some people might ask if we introduce a new global currency, the World Calories Currency (WCC) or "Cal-Money", that currency would be less vulnerable and less crisis-prone. In this short paper, I firstly present the 4 main criteria of a successful and widely accepted currency:

1. Fair volubility & high inflation security, 2. High trust and acceptance among the users, 3.high distribution over the world and 4.High supportiveness of the real economy. After I compared the strength & weaknesses of the World Calorie Currency and present some concrete measures to make the Cal-Money implementation more smoothly, I then came to conclusion that all 4 main criteria of a successful, worldwide applicable currency would be fulfilled by the WCC.

Title: A New Money Exchange System: The World Calorie Currency (WCC)

Author: Xinyi Jimmy Zhou

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, October 2014 - March 2015

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A New Money Exchange System: The World Calorie Currency (WCC) by Xinyi Jimmy Zhou