Abstract: The aim of this literature review research paper is in twofold. First, it strives to provide and present a hypothetico-deductive model of enquiry, by analyzing the work of (Chandrasekara, W.S. 2016). Second, presents an inductive model of enquiry by examining the work of (Wells, V.K.2014).
This literature review research paper also aims to present the theories being tested within the two selected articles and the data collected, along with comparable approaches and evidences that are generated by each approach.
This literature review also aims to identify whether the approaches were qualitative or quantitative.
Keywords: Hypothetico-Deductive, Inductive Model, qualitative or quantitative.
Title: A Review of Hypothetico-Deductive and Inductive Model of Enquiry
Author: Mr. Osman Ayub Suleman
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals