A Robust Air key Management using buffer concept


Abstract: Key management between nodes can be addressed when public key infrastructure (PKI) or an online trusted third party (TTP) is available. These solutions cannot always be applied to resource constrained devices operating in pervasive environments because of both the lack of either a PKI or a TTP, and bandwidth overhead required by asymmetric cryptography. Robust air key management to allow two wireless communicating parties to commit over-the-air on a shared secret, even in the presence of a globally eavesdropping adversary. The Existing system no crypto but just plain text message exchange, for each one bit transmission, the sender of that bit not its value, which is indeed exchange in clear text. The proposed system using alpha algorithm in which a buffer is used to store all the data to be transferred from node to node in the network so that the transfer of data will be efficient. While sending the data bit by bit if any bit losses then particular bit will be stored in the buffer.

Keywords: key management, over the air (OTA), trusted third party (TTP).

Title: A Robust Air key Management using buffer concept

Author: B. BINDHU, Mrs. C. FELSY

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-120X (online), ISSN 2348-1196 (print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, April - June 2014

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A Robust Air key Management using buffer concept by B. BINDHU, Mrs. C. FELSY