Abstract: Vitamin D deficiency is a significant problem for a growing proportion of the ALMAAREFA College population. Individuals with dark or covered skin are at particularly high risk due to ethno-cultural, environmental and genetic factors. We assessed the level of awareness of vitamin D deficiency among at-risk patients in order to identify groups most in need of education. This study was aimed to estimate the proportion of women with vitamin D deficiency in Almaarefa college (MCST). And to describe the awareness among female (MCST) about vitamin D deficiency. In the current study that done in Almaarefa about complications related to vitamin D deficiency had greater percentage than the study done in Europe and this is mainly related to low physical activity , unawareness of symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, but female in western countries more aware than males . However, although the higher percentage goes to Almaarefa College almost women didn't know that vitamin D deficiency will cause preeclampsia that affect fetus in first 26 weeks and approximately three forth of women know about low muscle strength.
Keywords: Vitamin D deficiency, Awareness of vitamin D.
Title: A Study about Awareness of Vitamin D Deficiency among Female in ALMAAREFA College in 2013-2014
Author: DR. Mona alfadeel, Manar alshammary, Amjaad almarjan, Aishah alqahtani, Seeta alsaadoun, Afnan alotebei, Dalal alanazi, Zinah alqahtani, Hajar aljarallah, Rafeef alsaleem
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences,
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals