A Study of Guest Satisfaction toward Service Quality of Hotel Industry in Yangon, Myanmar

Mr. Naung Ye Aung, Dr. Vijit Supinit

Abstract: The review of literature discussed what service means to the hospitality industry. Also it discussed about the importance of training program in hospitality industry and recognition of training that increased a lot of benefits to the organization. In addition, the training motivates employees to have a better attitude toward guest service. Finally it looked into what would be better contents of service quality training program. The purpose of this study was to assess and describe the perception of service quality of the hotel. So a researcher distributed 590 survey questionnaires to a selected hotel and 94 of usable survey questionnaires were collected. Data for this study were applied descriptive statistics (frequency, means, and standard deviations) to all the questions and cross tabulation and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to gain an understanding of the nature of responses. As the result of the research from demographic data found that, the majority of the respondents were male 71.3% and 30.9% of the respondents were between the ages of 36 to 45 years old, and 45.7% of them indicated their job was professional while other 25.5% of the results refer to income earning of $11,001 or higher. The finding indicated that where the training program should focus on and encouraged hotel management in determining whether to develop and improve their guest service training to their employees. Satisfied guests tend to be return customers; guest service training program may impact on that satisfaction. The recommendation has been shown that hospitality industry needs to evaluate the level of their service quality and to improve and develop training program as the result derived by the assessment to give better service to guests and the management team of this hotel needs to focus on training their employees for reliability, responsiveness and empathy and also attitude and assurance to increase guest’s satisfaction scores although hospitality industry should invest time to train their employees in order to decrease turnover costs and motivated their employees. Keywords: hospitality, impact, satisfaction, responsiveness. Title: A Study of Guest Satisfaction toward Service Quality of Hotel Industry in Yangon, Myanmar Author: Mr. Naung Ye Aung, Dr. Vijit Supinit International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 4, October 2016 – December 2016

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A Study of Guest Satisfaction toward Service Quality of Hotel Industry in Yangon, Myanmar by Mr. Naung Ye Aung, Dr. Vijit Supinit