Abstract: This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of intravaginal low dose (25µg) of Misoprostol for cervical ripening and labour induction in primigravida with term gestation. Two hundred and forty seven patients with an indication for induction of labour in third trimester were included. The cervical score was assessed by using Bishop’s score prior to prostaglandin induction. Patient’s with Bishop’s score <4 were induced with misoprostol (25µg) 4th hourly maximum of 4 doses. Data’s were analyzed with student ‘t’ test and P-value of >0.05 were considered not significant. Misoprostol was significantly more effective in inducing labour (98%) with the number of failed induction being 5 out of 247. 94% of Patients delivered within 24 hours. Mean time from start to delivery (including caesarean) was 12.97+6.34hours. Lesser number of patients required oxytocin augmentation i.e. 32%. Induction to vaginal delivery interval was 11.9+4.9 hours. Induction to vaginal delivery interval was significantly greater with Bishop’s score <3 i.e. 12.53+5.7 hours compared to Bishop’s score >3 i.e. 10.2+3.7 hours. 97.56% of patients delivered vaginally within 24 hours. 68.29% of patients delivered vaginally with single dose of Misoprostol with mean number of dose 1.34+0.52. Dystocia, non reassuring FHR with hyper stimulation and tachysystole were 2%, 4% and 4% respectively. Neonates with Apgar score of <7 at 1 minute and 5 minutes were 12% and 2% respectively. The incidence of thick meconium and neonatal intensive care unit admission being 14% & 12% respectively. Intravaginal low dose Misoprostol is effective and safe drug for induction of labour.
Keywords: Misoprostol, cervical ripening, induction, Bishop’s score.
Title: A Study of Intravaginal Tablet Misoprostol (25µg) For Induction of Labour in Primigravida with Term Gestation
Author: Rekhalatha, Arunachalam Kumar
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals