Abstract: While applications of Wireless Sensor Network are diversified, several new issues such as mobility of sensor node are raised and bring security issues such as re-authentication and tracing the node movement. In the dynamic sensor network, mobile sensor nodes will continuously move around and frequently reconnect to other sensor nodes. While many security protocols to such networks occur significantly large overheads because their design only considered the static networks. There are several studies on such dynamic environments. In this paper, we show our design for the efficient node authentication and key exchange that reduces the overhead in node re-authentication and also provides untraceablity of mobile nodes. We introduce protocols that are symmetric key crypto system based and public key crypto system based. We also introduce the application scenario of the protocol that is integrated to other networks.
Keywords: Neighbour Sink Discovery, Neighbour Sink List (NSL), Node Authentication, Node Reauthentication.
Title: A Survey on Sensor Authentication in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks
Author: Priya L C, Shantala Devi Patil
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-120X (online), ISSN 2348-1196 (print)
Research Publish Journals