Adjustment of respiratory mechanicals parameters in emphysema and asthma during pressure controlled ventilation

Khalifa Elmansouri

Abstract: The pathophysiology of asthma and emphysema are quite different. Asthma is an inflammatory process leading to reversible endoluminal obstructive ventilatory deficit due to increased resistance into the airways, the other functional parameters (CO transfer capacity, gasometry, pulmonary compliance) as well as chest x-rays are normal in steady state. While the emphysema corresponds to a destruction of the pulmonary parenchyma beyond the terminal bronchioles, parenchymal destruction is responsible for an increase in lung compliance which results in irreversible extrinsic bronchial obstruction, as a consequence the transfer capacity of the CO is lowered, and the gasometry can be disturbed (hypoxemia initially, then possibly hypercapnia), following bronchial obstruction, a chronic distention appears, defined by a permanent elevation of CRF, VR, and VR / CPT ratio. In this work, we will study the effect of these two pathologies related to the respiratory mechanics by a simple lung simulator. The principle is to vary the respiratory resistance and compliance according to the pathologies stated above, in order to propose the best adjustments which depends on the state of the respiratory system, this adjustment is made on the mechanical parameters of the ventilators so as to provide the adequate ventilation.

Keywords: Electrical model. Asthma. Pulmonary emphysema.

Title: Adjustment of respiratory mechanicals parameters in emphysema and asthma during pressure controlled ventilation

Author: Khalifa Elmansouri

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol 8, Issue 2, October 2020 - March 2021

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Adjustment of respiratory mechanicals parameters in emphysema and asthma during pressure controlled ventilation by Khalifa Elmansouri