Lemayan, Wilson Memusi., Kimani, Damaris Wanjiku, Katunge, Grace, Oduol, Lionel, Mwangi, Lydia Wanjiku, Ng’eno, KWA

Abstract: The West is a term commonly used to refer to the developed nations of Europe and North America. Historically, the west has played a major role in the political, social and economic development of Africa. In recent decades China, spurred on by rapid industrialization during the 1990’s, has challenged western domination in Africa, and in 2011 it overtook the United States to become Africa’s largest trading partner. The question this paper seeks to answer is whether Africa countries should stick with the traditional western powers, or turn their focus instead, to the emerging powers in the east, perhaps best exemplified by china. This paper will seek to answer this question by outlining the historical relationship between Africa and the two regions, and the political, security, cultural, and economic factors, crucial in determining whether Africa should go east or west. Keywords: Africa Compass, Political, Social, Economic, Security, Culture and Development. TITLE: AFRICA’S COMPASS: EAST OR WEST? AUTHOR: Lemayan, Wilson Memusi., Kimani, Damaris Wanjiku, Katunge, Grace, Oduol, Lionel, Mwangi, Lydia Wanjiku, Ng’eno, KWA International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 3, July 2016 – September 2016

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AFRICA’S COMPASS: EAST OR WEST? by Lemayan, Wilson Memusi., Kimani, Damaris Wanjiku, Katunge, Grace, Oduol, Lionel, Mwangi, Lydia Wanjiku, Ng’eno, KWA