Alterations in Q-T Interval in Portal Hypertensive Cirrhotic Patients

Ibrahim M. Abdel-Aziz

Abstract: The effect of these cardiovascular diseases on the natural history of the underlying liver disease is considered. Their recognition and management is important in the long term care of patients with chronic liver disease, (Maisaia et al., 2001). Almost one third of cirrhotic patients can be shown to have evidence for a cardiomyopathy.  The Q-T interval is prolonged in a substantial fraction of patients with cirrhosis, thus indicating delayed repolarization. However, no information is available in portal hypertensive patients. More specifically, QTc-interval prolongation has been found in association with both alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver disease.

Objective is to evaluate any alternative changes in Q-T interval in portal hypertensive cirrhotic patients.

Patients presented to our clinics at Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University hospital with any of any manifestations of hepatic cirrhosis such as liver stigmata (spider nevi, palmer erythema, gynecomastia, duptryen contracture) with compensated or decompensated liver (ascites, hypoalbumeniemia, hyperbilirubinemia etc..) were enrolled from the Salman Bin Abdel Aziz University Hospital, Al Kharj, Saudi Arabia at that period between 2012-2013. Patients responded to a questionnaire to investigate possible liver cell failure, and then underwent.  

This study was rolled on 80 patients and healthy as a control, 30 patients with early cirrhotic patients without portal hypertension (group II), compared with 30 patients with radiologically confirmed portal hypertension on top of cirrhosis (group III) and 20 healthy persons (group I).

The studied groups were subjected to thorough clinical assessment, routine laboratory investigations, ECG and radiological imaging assessments by: abdominal ultrasonography, Doppler and colored duplex. Doppler   and   duplex examination showed significant differences between normal persons, cirrhotic & patients of portosystemic anastomosis in all values of the portal vein.

There was a significant difference between normal persons, cirrhotic & patients of portosystemic anastomosis in all values of Q-T interval. The Q-T dispersion was correlated with the PV (A), PV (V), PV (F) and CI, in patients of group III.

The delayed repolarization of the myocardium already occurs in cirrhotic patients with or without increase in portal pressure but, it is related mainly to the presence of portal hypertension.

Keyword: Portal hypertension, Liver cirrhosis, ECG changes: Q-T interval.

Title: Alterations in Q-T Interval in Portal Hypertensive Cirrhotic Patients

Author: Ibrahim M.  Abdel-Aziz

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, October 2014 - March 2015

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Alterations in Q-T Interval in Portal Hypertensive Cirrhotic Patients by Ibrahim M. Abdel-Aziz