Abstract: Until recently, the pervasive and primordial role of imitation in human life was either largely ignored or misunderstood by empirical researchers but is now clear that Investigations in human imitation are among the most profound areas of research which unfortunately contribute to the future of a less unified society. This human imitation lacks insight to the proper principles of what biblical imitation advocates. Human imitation produces human forms of unhealthy relational competition, rivalry, mayhem, total annihilation of human Life and violence while biblical hermeneutics of mimesis produces a godly moral formation of society as well as practices in transforming the effects of human imitation into viable and sustainable communities. Using the Bible as a theological leitmotif, this study was conducted to find out, "Benefits of biblical hermeneutics of mimesis to the moral formation of society." It served a double purpose to explore these benefits and to present for consideration a positive thesis about the nature of true imitation of moral values base on God's Word which gives a central position to the development of true knowledge. Two hypotheses investigated were: 1. Biblical hermeneutics of mimesis benefits society in bringing peace and stability to the world and 2. It generates God's own attributes in mankind thereby creating the willingness to love and obey God's fundamental principles of good living.
The major findings pointed to a 100% and 94% respectively to confirm the above hypotheses making them acceptable by the researcher. In general, to arrive at these conclusions, the author used oral interview and questionnaire whose validity and reliability were determined statistically through the percentage and average methods.
The findings revealed eight critical benefits of biblical hermeneutics of mimesis to the
Moral formation of society
Fundamental principles and kindness for humanity sake
It was suggested that, because the presence of ruthless massacres, genocide, terrorism, civil and natural wars and the worst violations of human rights are what we see prevail all over the world, only by imitating God's own standards can we solve at these savage calamites. Mankind keeps drifting away from imitating God's principle of life which eventually leads him from the extinguishing moral values and remoteness of self-control, and so respondents recommended that religion and particularly Christianity should teach what the Bible says; help their followers embody these godly qualities in their lives for they are mandatory. The Literacy rate in the knowledge of Bible teaching should be raised to produce a morally sound generation because it was found in the course of this research that misinterpretation or unbiblical hermeneutics of scriptures created a lack of knowledge of God's word thereby creating pitfalls to the Creators standard of mimesis or imitation, and that eventually is leading to humanity's inability.
Keywords: Benefits, Mimesis, Moral formation, Hermeneutics.
Author: Sone Ngulle Moses (PhD), Professor Olu Mike Omoasegun
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Vol. 10, Issue 3, July 2022 - September 2022
Page No: 235-242
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 03-August-2022