Abstract: Cloud computing includes a variety of computational concepts which involves a large number of computers connected through a network called internet. Cloud computing is a model for distributed computing and it is said to be the product for evolution of calculation. This technology becomes widely used because of more and more researchers and applications on cloud computing. The main problem in cloud computation is to make a right decisions when allocating hardware resources to the tasks and also when dispatching the computing tasks to resource pool.It is a software level conflicts, which takes place when more than two jobs are looking for the same resources and both are unsatisfied with the existing one. Thus in order to overcome from such condition, resource scheduling algorithm is utilized. In order to simulate the problem and solution, a simulation using the Cloud Sim is developed. In this paper, the performances of all implemented algorithms are compared in terms of time and space complexity and their scheduling performance.The proposed algorithm found optimum and which delivers the high performance resource allocation.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Resource Provisioning, Resource Scheduling, Virtual Machine, Ant Colony Optimiza tion Algorithm and Cloudsim Tools.
Title: An Optimal Approach for Resource Consumption in Cloud Computing
Author: Vineetha B, Anil Kumar G
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), SSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals