An Overview of Big Data Visualization Techniques in Data Mining

Samuel Soma Ajibade, Anthonia Adediran

Abstract: The analytics of data holds an important function by the reduction of the size and complicated nature of data in data mining. Data Visualization is a major method which aids big data to get an absolute data perspective and as well the discovery of data values. Since the visualization techniques are so enormous, it can at times be difficult to know what appropriate technique to be used to visualize data. The purpose of representing data visually is to basically give an interpretation to what is insight without difficulties. At different point in time, the visualization techniques are being used to carry out different task which as well communicates different level of understanding. In this paper, we examined various data mining visualization techniques and how they can be well understood and utilized and then we made discussed our contributions in making research about the adequacy and inadequacy of data visualization technique in handling big data. Keywords: Data Visualization, data mining, Big Data, visualization technique. Title: An Overview of Big Data Visualization Techniques in Data Mining Author: Samuel Soma Ajibade, Anthonia Adediran International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 3, July 2016 – September 2016

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An Overview of Big Data Visualization Techniques in Data Mining by Samuel Soma Ajibade, Anthonia Adediran