Analysis and Visualization of Total Movie Review System Using Sentiment Analysis

Mayuri R.Lahamage

Abstract: With the increasing use of web platform such as web blogs, wikis, discussion forums, various other types of social media. People began to share their opinion and experience about product or services on World Wide Web. In this study, we introduce an architecture, implementation, and evaluation of a Web blog mining application, called the Blog Miner, which extracts and classifies people’s opinions and emotions (or sentiment) from the contents of weblogs about movie reviews. As per information visualization with the movie's trend of audiences and reviews becomes important. Movie makers are not only want to know their movie's popularity based on the number of audiences but also check their movie’s evaluation from people who see the movies. If they hope that the movie is a box office hit, they should identify the correlations between audiences and reviews. Here, the system lets the user select a movie and then shows the sentiment score results in a graph.

Keywords:  Web blog, Blog mining, Opinion mining, Sentiment analysis, Web Crawler.

Title: “Analysis and Visualization of Total Movie Review System Using Sentiment Analysis”

Author: Mayuri R.Lahamage

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-120X (online), ISSN 2348-1196 (print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 4, October 2014 - December 2014

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Analysis and Visualization of Total Movie Review System Using Sentiment Analysis by Mayuri R.Lahamage