Abstract: In this paper, Computational Fluid Dynamics technique is used to investigate the rocket thrust chamber cooling characteristics. The scope of the investigation involves the study of effect of aspect ratio (height/width) on the heat transfer characteristics of coolant channel. Steady state pressure based analysis of semi cryogenic thrust chamber regenerative cooling channel with three different sets of aspect ratio is done by varying the coolant channel height. The temperature distributions of coolant along the coolant channel, temperature distributions of copper and stainless steel walls are the main focus of the study. In this study the effect of film cooling and sub cooling are also analysed. In all above mentioned cases the, the coolant (kerosene), which is the fuel) enters at the aft end of the thrust chamber and passes through the rectangular cooling channels before it is fed to the injectors.
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics technique, heat transfer characteristics of coolant channel.
Title: Analysis for the Prediction of Effect of Aspect Ratio Five on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Regeneratively Cooled Thrust Chamber
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology
ISSN 2348-7593 (Online)
Research Publish Journals