Abstract: This study aims to determine the marketing channels for rice and corn commodities and (ii) the level of income of farmers by looking at Farmer Share and Marketing Margins, including Marketing Efficiency on agricultural land affected by the liquefaction and earthquake natural disasters in Sigi and Palu Regencies in 2018. The method used is quantitative descriptive, while the data collection uses observation, interviews and uses a questionnaire instrument. The data obtained shows thatincome in one harvest season of lowland rice farmers in the villages of Oloboju and Jono Oge mostly have income from rice farming ranging from IDR 11,000,000 – IDR 21,000,000 per crop season while corn crops with an average value of IDR 9,357. 000. For each corn marketing channel, a different farmer's share is obtained for each marketing channel. Farmer's share of rice in marketing channel I was 86.95%, higher than Fs in marketing channel II, which was 80.01%. Meanwhile, marketing efficiency on channel I was 2.60% and for efficiency on channel II was 6.83%, so that of the two channels the most efficient was the first marketing channel, which was 2.60%.
Keywords: Marketing and Income Chain, Food Crop, Farmer, Natural Disaster.
Title: Analysis of the Marketing and Income Chain of Food Crop Farmers in Land Affected by Earthquakes and Liquefaction
Author: Mohammad Alfit-Laihi, Rustam Abdul Rauf, Arifuddin Lamusa, Sulaeman Hanafie, Made Antara, Muhammad Basir-Cyio
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Vol. 11, Issue 2, April 2023 - June 2023
Page No: 420-431
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 30-June-2023