Application of Contrastive Analysis For The Effective Acquisition of Subordinate Clauses in English and Odia

Bharat Chandra Samal

Abstract: Acquisition of a second language in addition to one’s mother tongue has assumed a serious proportion in the recent years. Our existence in and exposure into the world of globalization brings in a myriad of possibilities of learning an important second language more specifically English. In such a situation, the L1 learner needs some viable support to acquire the L2.  This has become possible with the help of a linguistic tool called Contrastive Analysis (CA). This CA has been rendering a useful service in the field of acquiring a second language since 1950s. Robert Lado is the main proponent, who by identifying the areas of difficulty for language learners, has proposed that the CA can successfully help the native learners in the acquisition of a second language. It is generally agreed that mother tongue and the second language in spite of their differences at the surface level share a common core of experiences which are usually expressed through divergent structures. When a learner is exposed to the unfamiliar situations of the second language for the first time, he finds himself in a difficult situation and ultimately seeks the help of the rules of his own language for the understanding of the second language. However, in the course of doing so, he might make mistakes as long as he is unaware of the full nature of the differences between his mother tongue and the second language. ‘Interference’ or ‘the negative transfer of language habits’ of the mother tongue finally provides the knowledge of the similarities and the differences between the two languages and facilitates the teaching and learning of the second language. The second language acquisition becomes easier when the learner is exposed to a comparison of L1 and L2 in terms of their structures. In this work, efforts have been made to bring out the similarities and differences between the subordinate clauses of English and Odia with the help of Contrastive Analysis for easy acquisition of English as a Second Language.

Keywords: Contrastive Analysis, Subordinate Clauses, Main Clauses, Nominal Clauses, Adjectival/Relative Clauses, Adverbial Clauses.             

Title:  Application of Contrastive Analysis For The Effective Acquisition of Subordinate Clauses in English and Odia

Author: Bharat Chandra Samal

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3164 (online), ISSN 2348-3156 (Print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2014 - September 2014

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Application of Contrastive Analysis For The Effective Acquisition of Subordinate Clauses in English and Odia by Bharat Chandra Samal