Abstract: This paper gives a general description of passive cooling system of building by using ground as a heat exchanger. The temperature of earth below 1 m depth from ground surface does not have sudden change due to variation in temperature on ground surface. These daily variations are effective up to a depth of 0.5 meter approximately from ground. Beyond 0.5m (approximately) this variations are less effective because of high thermal inertia of soil. By considering these effects of earth temperature the building may be ventilated naturally and can maintain a comfortable climate in it. In previous case studies the air circulation is worked out by providing PVC pipe line around the building and through this pipe air is collected and circulated in the building for passive cooling. The temperature difference between atmospheric outer temperature and inner temperature which would be observed that is from 1.5o C to 2.5 o C. This project utilizes less area and results in more fruitful outcomes with respect to passive cooling.
Keywords: Passive Cooling; water; air heat exchanger; PVC pipes; ground cooling.
Title: Application of Geothermal Cooling Techniques to Improve Thermal Conditions of a Residential Building
Author: Mr. Sanjay N. Mali, Dr. Ashok B. More, Mr. D. S. patil
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research
ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)
Research Publish Journals