Abstract: SDS-PAGE protein profiling and RAPD techniques have been found to be highly useful and accurate for the determination of both inter-specific and intraspecific genetic variations in plants. In present investigation five accessions of Mucuna pruriens were taken for protein profiling using SDS-PAGE marker and protein profiling and UPGMA cluster analysis and selected three cultivars the samples were analyzed for genetic variation by RAPD analysis using three random primers for each seed samples. On the basis of RAPD cluster analysis Mucuna pruriens accessions were also grouped into two clusters. Major cluster I consisted of two accessions sharing 30.0% similarity. The Similarity value for all the accession ranged from 15.0% to 82.0%. The findings of the molecular markers were substantiating each other.
Keywords: Mucuna pruriens, protein profiling, SDS-PAGE marker.
Title: Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Mucuna pruriens cultivars using SDS-PAGE and RAPD Markers
Author: Anil Kumar
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)
Research Publish Journals