Abstract: Today’s world is changing drastically. With the changing world the problem of vehicle parking system has worsen. In metropolitan cities, vehicle parking issues has reached to its peak level and has become a major concern in all busy areas. In order to solve these issue different types of vehicle parking system are being tried to create worldwide. In this paper we cover the idea that if the automated vehicle parking needs to be introduced in India then what all things we need to add to make it successful. The basic aim of our project is to create a cost efficient parking system which can accommodate at least 25 cars within a parking area of 32.17 m2.
Keywords: Automated vehicle parking, RFID tag reader, IR module, automated train carriage.
Title: Automated Vehicle Parking In Indian Context
Author: Gitesh Vithalrao Mudey, Dinesh V. Rojatkar
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals