Automatic Multilevel Car Parking

Ankit Gupta, Ankit Jaiswar, Harsh Agarwal, Chandra Shankar

Abstract: This paper has shown the concept of automatic car parking system, which can automatically sense the entry and exit of the cars, number of cars displayed on the LCD. This automated car parking system reduces the time taken to check the space for the vehicles. In this paper we use the Infrar-red sensors which are placed on each of the floor, to sense the cars.  The system is developed using 89S52 microcontroller.

Keywords: 8051 Microcontroller Embedded Systems, Keil, Proteus.

Title: Automatic Multilevel Car Parking

Author: Ankit Gupta, Ankit Jaiswar, Harsh Agarwal, Chandra Shankar

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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Automatic Multilevel Car Parking by Ankit Gupta, Ankit Jaiswar, Harsh Agarwal, Chandra Shankar