Big Data Analytics: Saving Small Businesses in Entertainment and Hospitality

Maketele Khalo, Reabetswe Nkhumise

Abstract: Small businesses in entertainment and hospitality play a significant role in the economy. They contribute to job creation, and have become another primary urban activity just like commerce and culture. They attract permanent residents, sustainable businesses and tourists to cities. The enterprises are notoriously known for having short lifespans, and this is due to 1) the inability and/or lack of tracking ever-changing market needs; and 2) the lack of evidence-based decision making by owners and/or managers. Big data analytics has been praised by many business leaders for elucidating insightful business information and providing evidence necessary for decision making. However, it has only been successfully used by big enterprises. This paper examines the importance of big data analytics to small businesses in entertainment and hospitality.

Keywords: Night-time economy, big data analytics, small businesses, entertainment and hospitality.

Title: Big Data Analytics: Saving Small Businesses in Entertainment and Hospitality

Author: Maketele Khalo, Reabetswe Nkhumise

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

Research Publish Journals


Vol. 5, Issue 2, October 2017 – March 2018

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Big Data Analytics: Saving Small Businesses in Entertainment and Hospitality by Maketele Khalo, Reabetswe Nkhumise