Bloom Filter Check: Integrated Network Construction with Dynamic Data Retrieval

K.Sangeetha, P.Sathiya, S.Vinitha, R.Visalakshi

Abstract: The main problem nowadays we facing today is retrieval of significant data and with less consumption of time. So, it’s not an efficient system. Hence the system designed with cluster, nodes and master site. Cluster with the number of nodes and the Network with the number of clusters. Moreover user firstly updates the data to their respective nodes then to the master site this maintains of data is called bloom filter. Whereas, search will be done by the replication to the closer node if not then proceed to the cluster if not then to the master site based on popular file replicate strategy (PFRF). Instead of storing the data in all the nodes system uses hash value and then retrieved. Retrieved data packets will be encrypted.

Keywords: less consumption of time, Bloom filter check, integrated network construction.

Title: Bloom Filter Check: Integrated Network Construction with Dynamic Data Retrieval

Author: K.Sangeetha, P.Sathiya, S.Vinitha, R.Visalakshi

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research 

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2017 – June 2017

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Bloom Filter Check: Integrated Network Construction with Dynamic Data Retrieval by K.Sangeetha, P.Sathiya, S.Vinitha, R.Visalakshi