Case Study: Researching a Smart Cable

Árpád Rab

Abstract: Research and development play a crucial role in innovation processes. R+D is an investment in the future, resulting in new products, processes and services through the transformation of newly developed technologies and thus far unexploited potential. This document provides an overview of the stages and outcomes of the research and development process in question. INFONIA Foundation was entrusted with complex research tasks in the project entitled Piac_13-1-2013-0242 automated cable standardization technology research. The main task of the research institute was to prepare and support the Client’s decisions, in the Piac_13-1-2013-0242 Automated cable customization technology research for VLG Ltd.

Keywords: smart cable, research report, R+D development, case study.

Title: Case Study: Researching a Smart Cable

Author: Árpád Rab

International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews    

ISSN 2348-697X (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 4, October 2017 – December 2017

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Case Study: Researching a Smart Cable by Árpád Rab