Abstract: This study aims to describe the characteristics of depression in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients that experience treatment in Sanglah Hospital Denpasar from August to October 2019. Data obtained and analyzed using a retrospective descriptive method using the Hamilton Depression Assessment Scale questionnaire to patients and medical records review. Variable constructs consisted of Age, Gender, Occupation, Location of the Lesion, Depression Scale Value, and Stroke Severity Scale (NIHSS). The results explained that there were 27 patients (52.9%) with depression levels from an acute non-hemorrhagic stroke. Based on age, a total of 8 patients (15.7%) in the 65-74 years age group experienced mild depression and four people (7.8%) in the 55-64 years age group experienced moderate depression. Based on Gender, there were 17 male patients (33.3%) with mild depression and six people (11.8%) male patients with moderate depression. Based on workgroups, a total of 7 retired patients (13.7%) experienced mild depression and three retired patients (5.9%) with moderate depression. Based on the location of the lesions in the left hemisphere, there were 17 (33.3%) patients with mild depression and nine patients (17.6%) with moderate depression. This study produces recommendations for improving archival records and medical records through electronic file storage and the importance of further research on risk factors for depression to collect data that represents the population so that it can be used as a daily clinical guide.
Keywords: Depression, Stroke, non-hemorrhagic, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D).
Author: Lucky Mar Sahala Sianipar, Ida Ayu Sri Indrayani, Ida Bagus Kusuma Putra
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals