Clinicopathological Study of Leiomyomas

Dr. Satish Belagatti, Dr. Jayashree Pawale, Dr. Shivanand Gundalli, Dr. Ashutosh Pawale

Abstract: The Objective is to study the clinical features and histopathological pattern of leiomyomas.

Materials and methods: the material was obtained from the patients admitted to M.R.Medical College Gulbarga.  Brief essential clinical history and findings were recorded from the patients case papers.

Following the receipt of surgical specimens, the specimens were allowed to fix in 10% formalin for 24-48 hours.  Multiple parallel sections through each half, about 1 cm apart were made and each surface were carefully examined.  In a leiomyomatous uteri, a detailed gross morphology of myomas were noted, which included number, location, size, sessile, pedenculated and secondary changes like hemorrhage, necrosis and calcification.

The tissue bits from representative area were taken for histopathological examination and paraffin blocks were prepared and routinely stained with haematoxylin and eosin stain. 

Results: Leiomyoma was diagnosed in 318 cases of which 48 uteri sowed leiomyoma associated with adenomyosis, and 270 with only leiomyomas.  The rest 2 were from myomectomy specimens. Age of the patients with leiomyoma ranged from 21 to 90 years.  Majority of the patients (45.92%) were in the 4th decade, were diagnosed in multiparous women. Menorrhagia was the commonest symptom constituting 41.50%. Out of 318 cases of leiomyomas, 247 were intramural in location, 62 were sub-serosal in location and rest 51 were submucosalthe major associated endometrial change was proliferative endometrium

Conclusion: Uterine fibroids are the most common benign conditions found in hysterectomy specimens with peak incidence at 41-50 years. Majority of them presented with menorrhagia. Histopathology is mandatory for confirming diagnosis

Title: Clinicopathological Study of Leiomyomas

Author: Dr Satish Belagatti, Dr Jayashree Pawale, Dr Shivanand Gundalli, Dr Ashutosh Pawale

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Clinicopathological Study of Leiomyomas by Dr. Satish Belagatti, Dr. Jayashree Pawale, Dr. Shivanand Gundalli, Dr. Ashutosh Pawale