Comparative Study of Bitmaps Indexing and B- Tree

Sudhanshu Deshmukh, Pravin S. Metkewar

Abstract: In spite of the fact that tracking records on the database are for the most part viewed as a typical issue, it assumes a key part in the enquiry execution, especially on the account of enormous databases such as information warehouse. Should a fitting file structure be chosen, the time required for enquiry reaction will diminish widely. Most specialists go for the bitmap list as favoured indexing method for situations where cardinality is low. once the list size is large, the cardinality of ordered sections expands ,this brings the reaction time to rise. The B- tree record is thought to be a solution for this problem. We concentrate on various kind of bitmap indexing systems (straightforward bitmap and encoded bitmap) and perform collected operation on inquiry with the help of both basic and encoded bitmap indexing and examinations the outcome. This paper tries to show the comparative study of bitmaps indexing and B- trees on the parameters such as response time, throughput time. Keywords: Data warehousing, Bitmap Index ,BTREE Index, Query Processing ,Response Time. Title: Comparative Study of Bitmaps Indexing and B- Tree Author: Sudhanshu Deshmukh, Pravin S. Metkewar International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, April 2016 – September 2016

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Comparative Study of Bitmaps Indexing and B- Tree by Sudhanshu Deshmukh, Pravin S. Metkewar