Abstract: Computer has turned to be the nerve of life and it has become an essential tool in each aspect and industry. This research paper aims at identifying the importance of computers, generations, components, and development. A computer is an electronic machine that can be programmed to process, store, retrieve, and perform mathematical and logical operations on data. Computers have endured huge developments in their different generations, the matter that has lead to the spread of personal computers with huge potentials in competitive prices. A computer consists of two main parts, which are hardware and software. Hardware components are tangible physical objects that we can see or touch, including motherboard, screen, mouse, and keyboard. Software is programs used to operate a computer, including application software, operating systems and programming languages. After recent technological developments, computers have become very small and cost-effective the matter why acquisition of computers has become more widespread.
Keywords: computers, generations, components, electronic machine.
Title: Computer
Author: Adel Haidar
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals