Abstract: The computer has brought about a quantum leap in our daily life, and dependence on computer has increased to occupy an essential position in every home and every company. All transactions in various fields have been shifted to be digitalized or to be electronic, as education depends on computers and technological development to improve its performance and results, as well as health fields and other fields. Computer has become one of the most important sources of knowledge, as the computer is connected to the Internet and browsing all sources of science and knowledge, whether written, audio or visual, and they can be downloaded onto the computer and find it at any time. The current century is the age of information revolution, as the computer has turned into a basic element of life for humans.
Keywords: computer, daily life, every home, every company, electronic.
Author: Adel Haidar
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals