Conceptual Application of the Madewell Metric Framework for Acquisition Intelligence in DOD Open System Architectures

Dr. Charles D. Madewell

Abstract: With the issuance of Better Buying Power 1.0 and 2.0, open system architectures have become a necessity and a requirement for all new architecture programs.  With this new requirement comes the need to identify key components of the architecture which are worthy of having the technical data rights or licenses acquired by the Department of Defense for the open system architecture.  The need for a method to identify key components has been communicated by multiple authors since the issuance of Better Buying Power.  The benefits of open system architectures have also been thoroughly communicated by multiple authors so are not covered here.  This paper discusses a novel metric framework used to intelligently identifying key components of open system architectures.  The operation of this metric framework is exposed using conceptual illustration.

Keywords: Open System Architecture, Non-Proprietary, Vendor Lock, Data Rights, Acquisition.

Title: Conceptual Application of the Madewell Metric Framework for Acquisition Intelligence in DOD Open System Architectures

Author: Dr. Charles D. Madewell

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Conceptual Application of the Madewell Metric Framework for Acquisition Intelligence in DOD Open System Architectures by Dr. Charles D. Madewell