Abstract: Conductometric measurements were made on gadolinium caprylate and laurate in 50% benzene-50% dimethylformamide mixture (V/V),to determine the critical micellar concentration (CMC) , limiting molar coductance at infinite dilution, degree of dissociation , dissociation constant and free energy change for dissociation and micellization process . The conductivity results showed that gadolinium soaps behave as weak electrolyte in dilute solutions below the CMC and Debye-Huckel-Onsager’s equation is not applicable to these soaps solutions. The micellization process of these Soaps Has Been Found To Be Predominant Over The Dissociation Process.
Keywords: Micelles, Critical micellar concentration, Conductance, Dissociation constant.
Title: Conductometric And Thermodynamic Studies On Gadolinium Tri-Soaps In Benzene-Dimethylformamide Mixture
Author: Seema Agrawal, S.K. Upadhayaya
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews
ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Research Publish Journals