Contemporary Educational System in Uzbekistan


Abstract: As the main transmitter of culture from one generation to another, education played a strategic role throughout the existence of Uzbekistan as a single nation. While the society underwent a change from traditional Islamic to bourgeois under the rule of the Tsarist Russia, and then to communist under the Soviet government, education transformed trying to adapt to the requirements of each era. After gaining the independence in 1991, the development of national education system was created in Uzbekistan. The concept of the national education system was elaborated on the own development strategy of the country. The present day educational system of Uzbekistan is the product of the above transformations. Although, the measures are being taken for a rapid development of education in Uzbekistan, and its internationalization, there are still traces from the past of the educational system that bear the characteristics of Islamic education, Secular education introduced by Tsarist Russia, and a great influence of Soviet education which existed in the country for seven decades.

Keywords: Uzbekistan, Education, School, Development, Pupil, Curriculum.

Title: Contemporary Educational System in Uzbekistan


International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2015 - March 2015

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Contemporary Educational System in Uzbekistan by SABINA MUSHTAQ