Corporate Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

Ms. Babli Roy, Ms. Rashmi Sinha

Abstract: Earlier, human rights and corporate houses seemed to be worlds apart, like oil and water, an impossible mix. Preventing human rights abuses were mostly thought to occupy the field of States, and never the field of corporate houses. The main agenda of corporate houses was to earn profit. But nowadays we can see the paradigm shift in the relation of corporate houses and human rights. Operations carried out by the corporate houses bring visible evidences of how closely human rights and corporate houses are linked, the key perspective being corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to strategies that corporate houses adopt to conduct their business in a way that is society friendly, ethical and beneficial to community in terms of development. Keeping in mind the changing scenario of global market, corporate houses have to change their work culture as per the demands of the society. New global expectations are emerging in which respect for minimum human rights standards has become an inextricably linked issue with the process of building a responsible company. The researchers through this paper tried to view the corporate social responsibility of the business houses from the perspective of human rights. The paper begins with a review of the elaborate existing literature and debate on the subject. Then, a conceptual vision is synthesized that coherently integrates human rights and corporate social responsibility frameworks. After setting the conceptual criteria, empirical cases where effective corporate social responsibility considerations have resulted to respect for human rights, are analyzed and explained. The findings of the study provide insights into an area of growing concern of corporate houses towards society. The paper ends with a sketch of possible paths of merging the business goals with social responsibility practices to foster corporate respect for human rights.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Human rights, Corporate houses.

Title: Corporate Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

Author: Ms. Babli Roy, Ms. Rashmi Sinha

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016 – March 2016

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Corporate Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights by Ms. Babli Roy, Ms. Rashmi Sinha