Covid 19 and its impact on Compulsive buying behavior: Review of Literature

Dr. Shahin Ghani

Abstract: Compulsive buying or shopping addiction is a mental and behavioral health condition characterized by persistent, excessive, impulsive and uncontrollable desire to shop and spend in spite of severe psychological, social, occupational and financial consequences. Their entire pattern of living surrounds this behavior and caters to this need. It has an effect on mood, anger, stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, adjustment issues, eating and sleeping patterns. Persons suffering from the disorder tend to understand and evaluate their feelings poorly and have low tolerance for unpleasant psychological states such as negative moods. Engaging in such behavior for long can lead to feelings of regret, remorse, shame, guilt and even depression in some. Purchases are made in order to improve mood, cope with stress, gain social approval, recognition and improve self-image etc.

Covid 19 pandemic led to unprecedented restrictions imposed on all aspects of life including the desire to compulsively buy. This led to further complicating the ‘desire to buy urge’ and consequent mental health challenges. In accordance, the present study has been undertaken with a perspective to compile and review the available literature based on previous research realizing the relevance of understanding such psychological trends that define psychological health, and consumer market economies during pandemics and other challenging times.

As such, the present study was undertaken with a perspective on the relevance of such psychological behaviours and their impact on lifestyle and the economy in the long run. An attempt has been made here to review and compile the available literature from various sources on studies undertaken during and after the pandemic on this behaviour thus having heuristic and reference value for studies to be undertaken on this issue in the near future.

Keywords:  COVID -19 pandemic and Compulsive buying behaviors.

Title: Covid 19 and its impact on Compulsive buying behavior: Review of Literature

Author: Dr. Shahin Ghani

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

Page No: 54-58

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 23-January-2024


Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

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Covid 19 and its impact on Compulsive buying behavior: Review of Literature by Dr. Shahin Ghani