Critical Success Factors of Business Process Reengineering, Case Study: IBM

Oluwatosin Sorunke, Ameen Nasir

Abstract: This research seeks to determine how capabilities can be reengineered in an organisation by fitting the right skills to the right job so as to achieve dramatic improvement in business performance. Taking IBM as a case study, the Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) concept was examined and the critical success factors (CSFs) to its successful implementation were elicited. An inductive approach and research philosophy of ‘functional paradigm’ was applied by analysing the findings of the pre and post BPR issues in IBM and creating a link between the theory and practice of BPR with recommendations for future implementations. A model was created outlining the wider perspectives of BPR concept and the principles underpinning it and narrowing it down to the objective of this research using the funnelling approach of literature review. The findings of the literature review was used to develop a new model. Finally it was concluded that, BPR does not only reengineer processes but functions or core competencies. The CSFs of implementing the initiative are egalitarian leadership, collaborative working environment, top management commitment, change in management technology, appropriate BPR planning and methodology and use of information technology system. However for successful implementation, BPR must influence the content of the business strategy while the business strategy must support the BPR initiative. This is in addition to the fact that a BPR initiative should be driven by customer perception for optimal results. Keywords: Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Critical Success Factors (CSFs), International Business Machine (IBM), Business Strategy, Information Technology, Business Processes, Change management, drivers, Inductive approach and Functional Paradigm. Title: Critical Success Factors of Business Process Reengineering, Case Study: IBM Author: Oluwatosin Sorunke, Ameen Nasir International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, April 2016 – June 2016

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Critical Success Factors of Business Process Reengineering, Case Study: IBM by Oluwatosin Sorunke, Ameen Nasir