Abstract: In many learning places, online learning has become the new normal with the major aim of averting the Covid-19 pandemic effects. Besides, the e-learning benefits can help mitigate the effects of conventionalism and deferment in education institutions and foster the development of student's critical thinking skills as would be anticipated in traditional residential practices if exploited effectively. Even though research myriads have proved that it is a student-and-action-based model that has the potential to accomplish optimal education and learning outcomes when applied successfully, online learning more often than not has been criticized for being unable to engage learners amply. Understandably, in residential systems, teaching learners to develop critical thinking skills has been challenging because it needs the physical presence of students and faculty to participate in the analyses and syntheses of complex concepts for applications, clarity and better assimilations. To successfully apply the same in an e-learning setting will need augmented knowledge in the subject matters as well as knowledge in the e-learning dynamics, including applications of germane instructional strategies, contexts and influential theories.
Keywords: online learning, Covid-19 pandemic effects, e-learning benefits, education institutions.
Author: Manal Hasan Hasan Ebrahim Alkandari
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals