Cryptology, Cryptography, and Cryptoanalysis - Past, Present and Future Role in Society

Soumitra Bhattacharya

Abstract: This article provides a general introduction to the subject of Cryptology, Crytography and Crytoanalysis and explains the terminology, mathematical interpretations and the practical applications of security techniques.

Aims & Scope: In recorded History, technological innovations have revolutionized societies. The printing press is an often-cited example of the great impact one humble person’s invention can have on ruling dynasties, world religions, and personal life..Quantum encryption could rival Guttenberg’s printing press in its impact. Cryptology has a fascinating History.,In Warfare Cryptography is a broad, sticky, and mathematically complex, but interesting subject and an integral part of the evolution of warfare. So let’s get some definitions out of the way first. Cryptology is the study of codes, both creating and solving them. Cryptography is the art of creating codes. Cryptanalysis is the art of surreptitiously revealing the contents of coded messages, breaking codes, that were not intended for you as a recipient.. Secondly, there are nomenclators and enciphers. Nomenclators are letters or numbers that represent words or phrases, like 103A means “meet me at 4PM”. Ciphers are alphabetical letters or numbers that are encrypted using some sequential coding process and a key. For this essay, we will refer to both as codes. Also, enciphered, encrypted and encoded mean the same thing….Additionally, there is plain text. This is the original message that is readable and understandable, uncoded or unencrypted. Once it goes through the coding process and is encrypted, the output is readable but not understandable. There are a bunch of other terms like steganography, homophones, polyphones, digraphs, bigrams, and polygrams, but they are just variations of coding and decoding techniques.

Keywords: Network Protocols, Mathematical Cryptology, Encryption, Decription, Codes. PKI Infrastructure.

Title: Cryptology, Cryptography, and Cryptoanalysis - Past, Present and Future Role in Society

Author: Soumitra Bhattacharya

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 2, April 2019 – June 2019

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Cryptology, Cryptography, and Cryptoanalysis - Past, Present and Future Role in Society by Soumitra Bhattacharya