Abstract: In 2012 Mozilla Corporation demonstrated an open source operating system named Firefox OS through its Boot2Gecko project. A year later, in 2013 the Firefox OS based phones were introduced in market. The widely accepted Android, iOS phones are there since many years, so research has been done on their digital investigation techniques and thus many forensic tools are available for such platforms. But, as the Firefox OS is still in its evolving phase not much research has been done on its forensic procedures, leading to lot of new opportunities and challenges for forensic investigators. Even the existing forensic tools does not fully support the Firefox OS based devices. Many tools detect the device as Android, the reason being the underlying Linux kernel in Firefox OS just like Android. Due to the increasing rate of mobile crimes the forensic analysis of this new, unique OS is urgently needed. The purpose of this paper is to present a method for acquiring forensic data from a mobile device running Firefox operating system. The paper provides a way to start acquisition process by using Android Debug Bridge before proceeding to identify the important files that should be used for analysis. Finally it shows how tools like qtADB, HexEditor and MOBILedit can be used in the acquisition phase of mobile forensics.
Keywords: Firefox OS; B2G; Mobile Forensics; Data Acquisition; Forensic investigation; Gecko.
Title: Data Acquisition Methodology for Forensic Investigation of Firefox OS
Author: Mandar Jadhav, Prof. K.K Joshi
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals