Abstract: Date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera Lynn.) are cheap fruits but has high nutritional potentials. They are highly cultivated by Arab countries. They possess high economic value in Middle Eastern countries. They also contain therapeutic effects like anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects etc., they contain several stages in ripening. Natural ripening in trees causes a number of physical and chemical changes in it. So, due to high water content, they are easily affected by insects, bacteria and fungi. So the post-harvest handling methods should be strictly followed to prolong the shelf life of date fruits.
Keywords: Date Fruits, Physical Characteristics, Nutritional Values, Microbial Characteristics, Beneficial Uses.
Title: Dates Fruit (Phoenix dactylifera. Lynn): A Short Review
Author: Ragava Santhosh.C, Vijayalakshmi. R, Loganathan. M
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations
ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)
Research Publish Journals