Delirium Following Psychological Stress

Mansour M. Alharbi

Abstract: We are reporting a 62-year old man who had two short episodes of delirium 4-years apart; both were precipitated by sad news and preceded by signs and symptoms of psychological stress. No history of psychiatric problems, dementia, illicit drug abuse, or alcohol use. Physical examination showed controlled hypertension and diabetes but no other significant findings. The patient condition remarkably improved few hours after oral olanzapine. The finding may indicate the need to include formal mental status assessment tool in older patients with suspected mental status change, irrespective of the presence of classical underlying and precipitating factors of delirium.

Keywords: Delirium, Psychological Stress, Saudi Arabia.

Title: Delirium Following Psychological Stress

Author: Mansour M. Alharbi

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, October 2015 – March 2016

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Delirium Following Psychological Stress by Mansour M. Alharbi