Determinant Factors of Community Rejection toward the Booster Vaccination Program Examined From Various Perspectives

Muhammad Asep Dwitama, Muhammad Nur Ali, Muhammad Ardi Munir

Abstract: This research aims to determine the perceptions of the people designated as informants and respondents so as to reveal the reasons for refusing to take part in booster vaccinations, both the third and fourth vaccinations in Palu City, Central Sulawesi from various perspectives, religious perspectives; sociocultural; medical, disbelief or from the perspective of ignorance. To find out the reasons for the informants, seven informants were selected, but three of them were categorized as ignored informants because they indicated they had inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, so only four of them were used as informants. To strengthen the informant's argument, 60 respondents were selected from two sub-districts, namely 30 people from Lolu Selatan Subdistrict, East Palu District and 30 people from Tondo Subdistrict, Mantikulore District. The interview results are expressed in a structured narrative while the questionnaire results are expressed in Likert scale groupings by determining the index percentage obtained from the five prepared answer criteria, namely Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Disagree (KS), Disagree (TS) , and Strongly Disagree (STS). The theory used in dissecting interview results and questionnaire results is Perception Theory or what is known as Gibson's Theory of Direct Perception and Skinner Theory related to the responses a person receives. The results of the research show that (i) of the four informants who were interviewed in depth, they were divided into three points of view, namely believing that health does not come from anyone but from God and from oneself. From Allah as the ruler of the universe and from oneself through purifying the way of thinking and understanding through the heart and brain. The basis of the perspective is religious and psychosocial forces to create a healthy body. The health perspective of this first informant is the resultant of a health perspective and a psychosocial perspective. Meanwhile, the second informant saw that he felt worried about the stimulus received from social media, which influenced his decision because he was worried about the information obtained from Fake News. The perspective that is built is health and psychosocial as the basis for building the perception of refusing to receive the Booster vaccine. The third information starts from the perspective of ignorance because there is misinformation for him so he agrees with the booster vaccination but is not aware of the existence of this government program because his understanding is that the third vaccine is for those who have not been vaccinated at all. Meanwhile, the fourth informant was a stimulus received by his own sense of sight, so he believed that the booster vaccine could cause a high fever, instead of getting healthier, he actually suffered from illness other than Covid-19. The results of the Likert Scale analysis showed that of the 60 respondents, 40 percent agreed and 60 percent disagreed with the booster vaccine program, but none of the respondents had received the booster vaccine. Agree in terms of attitude but not in terms of attitude implementation.

Keywords: Determinants, Attitudes, Perspectives, Booster Vaccines.

Title: Determinant Factors of Community Rejection toward the Booster Vaccination Program Examined From Various Perspectives

Author: Muhammad Asep Dwitama, Muhammad Nur Ali, Muhammad Ardi Munir

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

Page No: 63-69

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 24-January-2024


Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

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Determinant Factors of Community Rejection toward the Booster Vaccination Program Examined From Various Perspectives by Muhammad Asep Dwitama, Muhammad Nur Ali, Muhammad Ardi Munir